Breastfeeding isn't just good for your baby, it's good for you as well. Breastfeeding burns calories, which in turn helps you lose the pregnancy weight you gained. Also, nursing triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin, which will lower your stress levels. Oxytocin also helps your uterus contract back to size after birth, resulting in less postpartum bleeding. Breastfeeding for at least a year can protect you from breast and ovarian cancer. Lastly, breastfeeding can improve your bone density which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.
However, as great as breastfeeding is for you and your baby, it's not always easy. Sometimes babies have problems latching, and sometimes mothers have problems producing, and sometimes it's very easy for both mother and baby, but naturally you may have a lot of questions. That is why we are starting a breastfeeding support group, here our store.
Bring your baby to these special groups to share and learn in a friendly supportive atmosphere. Discussions are facilitated by a lactation consultant and broach many topics including postpartum adjustment, feeding, burping, sleeping, gas and colic, normal newborn behavior, soothing fussy babies and breastfeeding. Expectant mothers are also encouraged to attend prior to giving birth.
The breastfeeding support group is FREE and will take place at our store on Tuesdays from 10:30 A.M to 12 P.M. No registration is necessary. Contact us, or visit our website for more information.